Meetings - 2009 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001

Tuesday, 3rd July 2007

In July, our ice-breaking game really mixed people up and moved them about the room. Everybody received - on their back and out of sight - a label indicating a person or object. Using “yes/no” questions and asking as many people as possible, they then had to find out what was written on the label. The fastest six people to discover their temporary identity received the grand prize of some Japanese confectionary. The organisers had a go as well but being dealt difficult-to-guess labels mostly failed miserably, and we even knew what some of the answers might be!.

Tuesday, 5th June 2007

In June, the event was another in our series of engaging pub-quizzes. The theme this time was movie or film trivia, and the questions were set by our very own film buff Michael who, we are sure, could give Barry Norman or Jonathon Ross a run for their money. Contestants had to match the English and Japanese titles, and answer other challenging questions on the silver screen. Would you have known that the recent Nick Parks animation “Flushed Away” is called “Mouse Town/Roddy and Rita’s Big Adventure” in Japan, or that “Bonnie and Clyde” is “For us there is no tomorrow”? No, well there’s always next time!

Tuesday, 1st May 2007

In May, the Conversation Group's Music Quiz had people tapping the feet and scratching their heads simultaneously. Four rounds of fiendishly difficult questions kept contestants guessing as they negotiated through a "Guess-the-song-from-the-introduction", "Guessing the album from the album cover (artist and titled deleted)", general music knowledge, and a final lyrics round. Songs featured were Utada Hikaru's "Automatic", "Robinson" from Spitz, "Forever Love" by X Japan, Kaji Meiko's "Urami Bushi", "Change the World" from Eric Clapton and Jamiroquai's "Little L". It all sounds easy doesn't it, but from the maximum of 31 points available, the highest score was only 15 points!

But the stiff competition was worth as it, as the winning team took home their T-shirts, and free Album and Single CDs courtesy of the emerging band Asobi Seksu. See the winning team photo to the left, featuring amongst others Ayami, Chirag, Jack, Jez, and Nozomi.

Asobi seksu are releasing their new album Citrus here in the UK soon, so watch this space!

Saturday, 21st April 2007, 1.00PM

In living memory, never has a Hanami Picnic been so perfect. The weather was sunny and warm, the sky a deep an untroubled blue, and a gentle breeze kept the cherry blossom fluttering down on us all afternoon. The contentment showed in the reluctance of the group to leave their spot under the trees: no one could be motivated enough to throw a frisbee or a ball around for example, and at 5.00 o'clock, when we were supposed to head for the Queen's Arms and our the Ni-ji-kai, it took a full hour to get everyone moving.

A usual crowd of 50 or so regulars and new faces attended bringing sumptuous amounts of food, with a brief trip to the off-licence on Gloucester Road seeing off a temporary shortage of sake (or white wine and lager in this case!). The festivities in the Queen's Arms continued until well into the evening.

Roll on next year!

4月のジャパニーズ・カンバセーション・グループは創造力を発揮し、花見をテーマにした四コマ漫画を描きました。15分以内でできる予定でしたが  みんな盛り上がり、20分後・30分後でも まだ必死に描いていました。できた四コマ漫画はどれも非常にいい出来で  最優秀作品選びは非常に難航しました。採点基準は話に起承転結があり、それが四コマに的確に反映されているか それに芸術的な技能 が見られるか、という点でした。結局、結論は出ず 最終的にはジャンケンで最優秀作品を決めました。下に私達のお気に入りの作品が貼り付けてありますので 是非ご 覧下さい。

Yonkoma 1: In which the, the cherry blossom turns nasty...
Yonkoma 2: In which, the effects of Kata omoi are explored...
Yonkoma 3: In which, we discover the ants emply a decoy....

Yonkoma 1 Yonkoma 2 Yonkoma 3


(イギリスのカレンダーによると)3月には、聖人を祭る日(セント○○○デー)が2回あります。 3月のゲームの準備を始める前には、私達コミッティーの、聖人についての知識は皆無に等しかったものの、 準備が終わる頃には、私達の知識もなかなかのものになっていました。当日は参加者の中から4人がボランティアを買って出てくれ、 それぞれが4聖人:「アンドルー、パトリック、デイビッド、ジョージ」の役を演じ、日本語で“自分自身”のことについて参加者の前で説明しました。 名前を言ってはいけない自己紹介のようなものです。 誰が どの聖人を演じているのかを当てるのが ゲームの趣旨だったわけですが、 どのチームも鋭く、結局タイブレイクで優勝チームを決めることになりました。


2月の参加者数は通常に戻り、クラッカンの2階は人であふれ返りました。毎年2月はある意味「ジレンマ」の月です。 「バレンタイン・デイ」あるいは「節分」のどちらをイベントのテーマしようか、という「永遠のジレンマ」です。 今年は結局、去年の「Celebrity Couple」ゲームの構成にならって「敵vs正義の味方」ゲームを実施、両方の「いいとこ取り」をすることで折り合いをつけました。 日本の題材からは、桃太郎や金太郎、彼らが退治した鬼のほか、昔懐かしいUltramanとRed King、イギリスからはDoctor Who とDaleksが、このゲームに登場しました。


1月の参加者数は少なめで、その分イベントは普段より幾分、親密な雰囲気になりました。  常連の姿が少なかったのは 新年、新会場、長くてくらい冬の夜、クリスマスの暴飲暴食など、いろんな理由が考えられます。 何はともあれ、そのおかげでビュッフェは食べ放題で、人数が3倍だったとしても足りるほどの量でした。  予定された書初めは実施せず、おいしい食べ物、飲み物を楽しみながら、歓談の夕べを和気あいあい と過ごしたのでした。[それはそれでまたよし」です!

Meetings - 2009 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001

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